Every now and then I have to remind myself that he is just a little boy because he is always trying to be so cool. I think coolness is a goal of his. An example; he has been begging me for months to buy him some Heelys. You know the shoes with the wheels that make it so that the "cool" boys can skate circles around their mothers while they are grocery shopping. Usually if Reece wants something and I don't buy it, he forgets about it after awhile. Not with this request. I know it's kind of frivolous to buy expensive shoes that he'll grow out of and that will feed his "cool" desire but. . . what are birthdays gifts for? And I'm a sucker for a little boy smile. Besides, maybe he'll learn that shoes don't make a person cool. We don't buy things for the kids for no reason throughout the year. There has to be an event to buy gifts, like a birthday or Christmas. So this was the time.
Look at that face!
Gotta check for the wheels. Are these the real thing?
Even though he things the Heelys will make him cool, he hasn't figured out that wearing dress socks with shorts will not! No matter how many times I tell him. He just doesn't care what color his socks are. Kids invent their own "cool" standard, I guess.
They started the pool party by doing crazy jumps into the pool and then we moved on into some races, and chicken fights. What's a pool party without chicken fights?
My teenage beauty. I'm so proud of her!
Big Eyed Boy.
Chicken fights. The two guys on the shoulders of the others have to fight to get each other off.
It never did happen. They just got tired.
Another round with another chicken!
In case you are wondering what in the world these are, let me explain that these are giant legos. I'm not very good at making fun cakes but it's the attempt that matters, right? Reece requested a lego cake because he is very much into Legos right now. They are another "cool thing" with 7-10 year old boys it seems.
I learned this time around that food coloring gets brighter as it sits. You know how hard it is to make primary colors with food coloring. Everything turns out pastel. Well, Legos aren't pastel! So I kept adding more color trying to make it darker. When we got back from swimming, I looked at the cakes and thought, "Wow! Now they are fluorescent! How am I going to eat all that dye?" I lived, thank goodness, and so did everyone else.
Goofy boys who hope they are cool.
This is Brandon Powell, Reece's friend.
Ok, now don't have anymore birthdays, Reece! Eight is a good age to stop at. Mom would be just fine if you stayed just the way you are forever.
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